Tuesday at 11:22 my new Toy arrived. No not a new loco! My wife Trudy gave birth to our 2nd child Cooper James. After just a 45 minute labour Cooper just could not wait to come out.....And play trains with dad. Both Trudy and Baby Cooper are well and should be home at the end of the week. This means I will be on baby sitting duties for a few days so no modelling time. Looks like Cooper might need a Garratt for a welcome home present!
Model Building Progress
Progress this week was on three construction projects. I was building
sideframes for my QR DH. I shortened three of them instead of making new
ones. I...
4 days ago
Congratulations Ian, a great addition. One of each.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to include him in the "About Me" section on the left hand of the blog.
Congrats to Trudy & yourself Ian on the arrival of you new bundle of joy, hope he brings you lotsa happiness - or a garratt or two.
ReplyDeleteCheers Alex...
Great News! How on earth did Trudy put up with the bun for this long! Hope you're both doing well, enjoy the dirty nappies and late night feeds, of course Ian being the sensitive new age guy that you are you'd be doing most of that. ;-) Enjoy the new bundle they don't stay that young for long, Geoff.