Sunday, July 19, 2015

Branchline Modellers Forum

Hi All,
Yes I know I have not posted for ages and this is still not an update of what I have been up to.......It will come eventually, But thought I would let you all know about this:
I am helping run the next Branchline Modellers Forum here in Coffs Harbour on the 21st and 22nd November this year at Bishop Druit College. If you remember Stephen Ottaway, Well known for his superb Stephen Johnson Models Kits and the famous Branchline Modeller magazines, He is the driving force behind the show.
Details of the event are going to be posted up HERE . I advise you to be quick in registering when the time comes as we are going to be restricted to just 80 to 100 attendees. Also, Make sure you email your interest as invites will not generally be advertised. It is shaping up to be quite a good event and it will be a little different to other conventions. One requirement for all attendees is they MUST bring something to put on display. This does not necessarily have to be a model, it could be photos, plans etc. of railway related subject. The purpose of this requirement is twofold.  Firstly, it means that each attendee becomes an active participant in the event by contributing to the entertainment of others.  Secondly, that spending time looking at the resultant display, the size and diversity of which is a feature of the forum, is an important element of the entertainment on offer.  In the past, some modellers have even built small dioramas just to display at the BMF.Another attraction for the weekend will be a half day guided tour of the Dorrigo Railway Museum by director Keith Jones. If you have never been to the Museum and want to know what's happening up there here is the chance to ask your questions and look over some of the Museum priceless assets.
Be sure not to miss out on this.



  1. Thanks Ian, should be a great event!

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  4. I am excited about attending an event that encourages active participation from all attendees.
