New solebars are made for both wagons. These are made using 6'x6' evergreen styrene and various sized 10 thou styrene strip to make up the Body supports and anchor supports.
The side panels are modified by removing the plastic horizontal bars and replacing them with finer brass wire. The original bracing for the outside braced version has to be removed from the sides. This i done carefully with a scalpel blade and razor saw.
The inside braced version is a lot easier. The top of the inside brace is modified by cutting a small section from the bar. A small piece of brace wire is glued in place to represent the turn buckle.
A new underframe is also made. As explained in the article, it has been made to be robust rather that accurately detailed. It is made in two halves. To top half is cut and filed from a piece of 60 thou styrene to form the sloping top. The bottom section is made up of various sized styrene to form the centre sill and bolsters etc. I made these as 'Masters' so i can cast them in Urethane for when i do others. I should have perhaps done the same for the solebars as these were a COW to make and very time consuming.
That's all i have done so far. I am waiting for the flat brass bar for the outside bracing. I also need some more casting materials. While waiting for funding approval from the BOSS.......I started a slightly easier project. I got a couple of these Infront Models DOT tank cars last year at the Liverpool AMRA show. This is an out of the box model. I have yet to paint it.
A few weeks back i got my 42 class from Toms. I already had the decoder for it so i didn't even test run it.....Off with the top to find out what speaker would fit as i prefer high bass speakers to the factory fitted ones. 4203 has now two 28mm high bass speakers with enclosures. I had to sacrifice the drivers cab door glass in order to fit them in but the result was worth it. A Tsunami EMD 567 doing the trick. The loco was then weathered using a wash of Water soluble oils and floquil from the air brush.
Nice work Ian, good to see the blog up and running. Good luck with the house extensions and septic system too.